About Us
Annada College, Hazaribagh is situated in the North Chotanagpur region of the state of Jharkhand. It has the honour of being the only college in the area run and managed by a linguistic minority community. The journey of the college started with 64 students in the first academic year in 1979 and within a year the college made an outstanding mark in the education sector. On January 04,1989, the Bihar Government recognized the college as a Linguistic Minority College on the basis of its educational structure vide Letter/memo no.- 13/A6-052/82.
On February 26, 1993, the college was given a permanent affiliation by Ranchi University, Ranchi to run Degree Courses of Honours level for all the three streams of Arts, Science and Commerce. The college is also registered under the section of College Clause 2(f) and 12-b by the University Grant Commission Act of 1956.

Annada College, Hazaribagh is known for its prudence and farsightedness in the field of higher education. It has been moving and developing incessantly to keep pace with the everchanging educational behaviour of the time. It has relentlessly developed its teaching methods to make its students updated, self-reliant and educated in the real sense.
“ He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.”
During the session 2008-09, the college introduced an audio-visual teaching-learning programme to improve effective teaching-learning experience. Overhead projectors and LCD projectors were installed to ensure the quality of education in the college. In the later years, the College Management also introduced Vocational Degree Courses like Bio-Technology, Bachelor of Computer Applications, Bachelor of Business Administration and B. Voc. Programme in Software Development.
The college is duly registered under Society Registration Act in Bihar and Jharkhand. The college is managed by a Governing Body the members of which are eminent persons of Bengali Community.