- To preserve and promote Bengali language, literature and culture.
- To inspire the academic environment for promotion of quality teaching learning activities for the students.
- To promote scientific temper among the students so that they can develop the ability to change the society.
- To provide quality education in the fields of Arts, Science, Commerce, Technology, Management, Vocational education at an affordable cost.
- To promote the participation of the state holders for quality assessment, quality upgradation and sustenance.

The vision of the founders of the college was to spread and disseminate the light of knowledge in every nook and corner of the world. It also aims to impart a liberal, modern, sound and quality education to the poor and downtrodden students at an affordable cost, especially to the tribal from the poorest strata of the society and most rural background, in frontier areas of modern education, apart from the fundamental streams. The vision also includes making excellence the focal point of education in the region through an arrangement of essential curricular and co-curricular tools.