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 Where Science ends, there Philosophy begins, Dr Haryana. The term philosophy is itself is of Greek origin. The word philosophy is the combination         of two words, Philo+ Sophia; Philo means Love and Sophia means Wisdom.  Thus the meaning of philosophy is Wisdom of Love.

In this mysterious world many questions arises but could not find satisfactory answers. These mysterious answers like Existence of God, Soul and Universe we find right answers.

 Philosophy is divided into two Groups Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy.

Indian Philosophy is called Darshan Sasrth . Darshan means to see that objects which one is not known by our senses like Soul, God and this Universe.

Indian Philosophy is the oldest script and subject which one is intended for mankind.

Indian Philosophy is divided into two schools, Orthodox and Heterodox, this system is based on Vedas. Orthodox Philosophy believes and accepts the theory of Vedas, but heterodox dues not accept the theory of Vedas. There are three Indian Philosophy, Jainism, Buddhism and Charvak and in other group six Orthodox Philosophy Mimansha, Sankhaya, Nayaya, Vaisesika, Yoga and vedant

In ancient Greek Philosophy is based on three ideas, Metaphysics, which was structured by logos, reason but also called God or Fate.

Modern Western Philosophy gives new concept based on Rationalism, Empiricism and criticism.

Contemporary Philosophy introduced Realism, Idealism, and Pragmatism.
