History is one of the most important
subjects after languages in any society. History, as a branch of
knowledge, started tentatively with the writings of Herodotus in Greece in the
fifth century B. C. The Puranas were also written in fifth century B. C.
which contained a list of rulers at the end of the book. History throws light
on the past of a society which enables the students to understand the present
in a better way and shape the future accordingly.
In modern times, history has been used as a tool of colonisation. The European
colonisers like Britain and France destroyed the history of the country they
subjugated and created a new history of the subjugated country which portrayed
them poorly and justified their colonization. The British poet Rudyard Kipling
called it, " Whiteman's burden" and France called it ," Mission
Civilization ". History is still a very powerful tool in setting the
narrative of the past and present. We make the students realize the potential
of history in controlling and setting the tone of present day narrative. That's
why history is a hot cake now-a-days.
As a subject for gainful employment, history has no parallel. As an optional
subject for JPSC and UPSC, it is hot cake. Moreover, a sound knowledge of
history is a must for scoring high marks in General Studies. Its knowledge is
also required for a successful social and political life.
In this
digital age, it has become very popular on different platforms of social media