Political Science provides key insights to the
dynamics of political power and a better understanding of national politics and
international relations. The great political thinker and the father of
political science, Aristotle once said that Political Science is a Master
Science on which all branches of human society depends. Thus, Political Science
is no less a central focal point to an understanding to our own society and the
world around us. Aristotle also held that man is a Zoon Politikon (Political
animal) and the highest art of knowledge is to rule a polis or take part in it
as a free citizen. Thus, right from ancient Greece to modern world, Political
Science remains a master subject in the Faculty of Arts.
Political Science has been a part of curriculum of
Annada College, Hazaribag since its inception. Our department offer admission
in undergraduate course in Political Science (Major/Minor). The wide ranging
syllabus of Political Science includes Political Theory, Political Ideology,
Ancient, Medieval and Modern Western and Indian Political Thoughts, Indian
Polity, International Politics and Public Administration. We have credit based
educational system and the syllabus is distributed in different semesters. The
faculty teaches students the theoretical as well as practical aspects of the
subject and encourages them to read text and use the Library. The faculty is
committed to motivate the students in achieving their academic goals and
applying the learning in their day to day life.
The result of our department is exemplary. Every
year the students of our department feature among the Top Ten students of the
University. The student who wants to pursue undergraduate course (FYUGP) under
NEP 2020 may apply after Class XII or equivalent from any recognized
As a subject Political Science offers
multidimensional career options in the field of competitive examinations for
Union and State Civil Services. A graduate in Political Science has also the
option to pursue specializations in important fields like Public Administration
and International Studies which can be very helpful for career prospects in
both private and public sectors. More importantly, Political Science provides a
clear advantage to the Civil Service aspirants as a substantial parts of the
syllabus of the General Studies and CSAT paper are based on the subjects.
The department regularly organizes symposium,
seminars and educational trips for the students which help them to explore
their talent. This endeavor is widely appreciated as it turns out to be a very
enriching experiences for the students.