Department of Physics
Physics has
been one of the flagship courses in this college in which a student would like
to do graduation. Since over four decades, we have been imparting quality
education in Physics to the students. In the beginning, there were few students
enrolled in Physics honours but today the number has risen to hundreds. The
faculty consists of three Asst.Professors and two lab assistants. The staff
helps students in understanding the theory as well as practical aspects of the
subject. The laboratory is also equipped with latest devices and apparatus.
Extra classes are also taken as and when required. Special classes for
doubt-clearing are also held.
after passing with Physics Honours may go to different fields. One may pursue
B.Sc. in Physics after passing 10+2 or equivalent exam. Extra curricular
activities are also there among the students. One of the students, namely Sweta
Kumari, was also selected for participating in the Republic Day parade.